Friday, February 29, 2008

A new friend

Something cool happened. I was roaming around the blogosphere and started reading about a young mom who transplanted her family from CA to IN. I left her a comment saying that I had also transplanted across the country. Guess what? She emailed me back and we're getting to know each other. HOW FUN!

She seems like an amazing mom. She has 3 boys, 2 with forms of autism. My family had a foster boy live with us for several years who was autistic. Let's just say there were some things....he was NOT going to eat. A lot of time, kids with autism or aspergers have texture & scent issues. I'm so amazed that she is not letting it deter her from what she knows is healthy!

To Think Is To Create - thanks for the conversation. Looking forward to more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this before? Thank you! You're too sweet. :)

I have a new blog design, so come check it out and update your link/rss!