Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Second Saturday

For those of you who don't go to GCC and are reading this, our church does a volunteer opportunity called Second Saturday. On that day of the month, we gather at the church at 8:30 and can choose from several opportunities to serve in our community. It's over by noon, so it's a great way to serve without the long term commitment.

Ross has taken Cyra, but I always stay home with the little ones. This month we all decided to go. We went to pack boxes at Feed the Children. We lined up at the personal care items assembly line. Boxes were packed with t.p., paper towels, hair products, deoderant, lip gloss, face cream, Lanacane, Vagisil, lotions, books etc. There were several kids on our line and they all did a great job! My girls stacked up the Lanacane in 3's and helped another guy throw lip gloss in the box as it went down the line. I was worried that Campbell would have nothing to do, but she found a way to keep occupied the whole time. She carried around 2 boxes of Vagisil. Every once in awhile, you'd see her dancing to the rhythm while shaking the boxes.

It was great to see so many folks show up and give their time & energy into something that truly makes a difference in the life of someone in need.


Terrace Crawford said...

Truly, a great thing.

Jen (a.k.a. motor mouth) said...

LOVE the idea of getting the kids invovled. Then life becomes more about others and less about themselves. WE too ahave been looking to volunteer with nicholas.\
I feel like it's been forever since we last chatted!!