Friday, October 12, 2007


I'm not quite sure how to feel about Halloween anymore. In Oregon, our church sponsored a "Harvest Party" which included games, food & lots of candy. People there are against Halloween activities like trick or treating. Even the pastor expressed concern in that area. We decided no more Halloween with out really thinking about it.

Now, we live in Indiana. Almost everyone here celebrates Halloween and this is a HUGE Christian community. I'm torn. I've heard both sides expressed, but can't seem to decide for myself. I personally don't enjoy scary stuff, and neither do my girls. But, is there anything wrong w/ dressing up and going out to get candy?Any opinions out there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I love to decorate for the holidays, and there are plenty of ways to "embrace" the spirit of Halloween without being bewitched and creepy. Matt doesn't like Halloween and I haven't done the decorating thing in years, partly cause Matt doesn't like it but mainly cause since the triplets were born I just don't have time; most of my decorations are more towards teh harvest theme anyway. The school/church the kids go to also does a harvest party, but I have taken the kids trick or treating, only in neighborhoods we are familiar with. I will do the harvest party for the next couple of years, while the little kids are still little, cause the weather here is so iffy and colds are not much fun when they come in fours. It's a personal preference, but you can do the Halloween thing and still teach your kids the things that are not so okay and just help them understand the difference -- Halloween is for kiddies, grown ups that are "in" to the day are generally creepy. I'm into the decorations and stuff for the kids, but not a fan of the gouls and goblins and undead.