Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm so busy

Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. My serious apologies to those 3 or so daily readers...

Nothing exciting has been happening, just general busy-ness.

Girl Scout activities are ruining, uh I mean running my life right now. Last night was the Sock Hop. We rented the local skating rink and had cake and skating. It was really fun except I always get to be the bad guy. We had several parents try to get in a not pay. They weren't skating, but we still had to pay for them to get in. We charged $5 per person. The roller rink charged us $4.50 per person. The other $.50 would cover cake, punch, get the idea. Not to mention each girl receives a patch that is $.85 each. I offered for each girl to be dropped off and picked up if adults did not have the funds to stay and watch. Why didn't they take me up on it?

The thing that really angered me was that I had parents call me the day of the event. Never mind the fact that the deadline for signing up was last week. They called at 3:00 (event was at 6:00). I called and pulled strings, paid extra...AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP!

I seriously considered stepping out onto the rink hoping to be killed (at least mangled severely) by a pig tailed girl wearing a poodle skirt. Then I could tell the parents "It's just too much right now to have a troop. Especially while my legs are broken and I'm undergoing re-constructive surgery. I'm sure you all understand." Problem being - there would be a few parents who still showed up on Tuesdays hoping for a meeting.


Jen (a.k.a. motor mouth) said...

Yes, they still would have shown up...... I can relate, so I Had to laugh. When I was a brownie leader, I felt the same way, Except it was for a PRIVATE catholic school, and the moms liked to micro manage me, then treat me like a paid babysitter. What the heck was I thinking saying yes to a friend in need when she needed a troop leader, while I had a 5 month old? Nuts I tell you!

Heather Stevens said...

Wow, that had to be annoying! I'm sure all the girls had fun though..right?? I understand busy...I have been VERY busy and haven't blogged all week! oops:P. I looked for you guys at church tonight! I didn't see you, but maybe I just missed you, I will see you next thursday, cuz I wont be at church on Saturday, I have a track meet:)