Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why doesn't He give up?

I have a few vices in my life. Nothing like drugs or alcohol, but this junk still controls my life at times.

Why is it that, even though I'm aware of it and WANT to fix it...I can't seem to? It's something I've struggled w/ my whole life, but thought I'd grow out of it as an adult. Um, no. Throwing money at something does NOT make it go away!

I pray about it often. I cry about it often. I think about it nonstop. While I'm driving, cooking, typing, resting, playing, eating....all the time. Wouldn't it be easier to just try a little harder and rid myself of all that stress?

What are some things God had shown you about your flaws & how to handle them?


Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy, hope you're doing well. Just wanted you to know that I've been praying for you.

Have a great day...it's not supposed to rain, which should automatically push you half way to great.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to post some of the pictures that Daley took of you and your family?

I'm impatiently anxiously waiting.


Miss Mandy said...

Daley has 1 wedding and 3 other shoots to edit before I'll get mine. Should be within a week or so though. I only have 1, but I'm saving it for our Christmas card.

Jen (a.k.a. motor mouth) said...

I hope everything is ok :)